Cabinet de recrutement Bruxelles Archetype

How Meroso decided to stop production to invest in a Leadership Training

Watch the full intervention from Charles Roelants, Director at Meroso Foods. 

Meroso Foods faced the challenge of balancing the need for continuous production with the necessity of investing in their people. The decision to hold an off-site 2 days seminar meant temporarily stopping production and taking key personnel off-site.  This move had its challenges, but the company decided the benefits were worth the costs.

In today’s fast-paced business world, the idea of halting production for any reason can seem counterproductive. However, viewing such pauses as investments rather than costs can lead to significant long-term gains. This perspective is well illustrated by Charles Roelants, Director at Meroso Foods, which recently undertook a leadership seminar facilitated by Archetype.

The leadership seminar was born out of a recognized need within Meroso Foods’ management team. Managers expressed the desire for more structured leadership development, leading to the decision to organize an off-site seminar. The chosen format and setting were crucial; by taking the participants out of their usual environment, the seminar fostered a new dynamic.


Immediate and long-term benefits

From the very beginning of the seminar, the impact was palpable. Being in a different setting allowed the participants to break free from their daily operational constraints and engage deeply with the material. They had the space and time to reflect on their leadership skills, discuss their needs, and share the challenges they faced. This environment of learning and sharing was markedly different from any previous in-company training sessions, as noted by both the organizers and the participants.

The real test of such an investment is in its outcomes. Upon returning to Meroso Foods, the changes were immediately noticeable. Managers began to communicate differently, both among themselves and with their teams. This shift in interaction was not just a superficial change; it signified a deeper transformation in the company’s culture.

The feedback from the managers was overwhelmingly positive. They felt more equipped to handle their roles and more connected to their colleagues. This enhanced communication and cohesion are still evident today, demonstrating the lasting impact of the seminar.


Cheers to the Meroso Team

At Archetype, we are inspired by companies like Meroso Foods that are willing to invest in their people. This commitment to employee development and well-being is what we admire most. By enhancing leadership skills and fostering team cohesion, Meroso Foods is not just preparing for immediate challenges but is also building a stronger foundation for future success.

We are proud to support such forward-thinking organizations. Our goal at Archetype is to help companies realize the immense value of investing in their people. Through our tailored training programs, recruitment strategies, and assessments, we aim to create robust management teams ready to face tomorrow’s challenges.

Investing in leadership is not just a cost; it’s a strategic move that yields significant returns. The experience of Meroso Foods is a testament to the transformative power of such investments. By prioritizing leadership development, they have seen immediate improvements in communication and team dynamics, setting the stage for sustained success.
